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Books: How To Promote Your Book

How To Promote Your Book

Publishing a book is a massive accomplishment in itself so if you've made it this far, well done! There are many reasons why writers publish their books but the most common reasons is to earn an additional income from their passion for writing. In cases such as these, it's wise to promote publish books effectively. Below I have listed 7 useful methods to promote your book.

1) Book Launch (Guest Speakers)

Holding a book launch is an effective way of drawing attention to the fact that you've published a book. Friends, family, work colleagues and neighbours will typically make the effort to support you in this experience. In order to draw a wider audience, it's useful to invite guest speakers not only because they can speak on a topic relevant to the theme of your book but because they can draw additional audiences to your book launch event. The more attendees you have, the better the exposure and the greater chance of increased sales. 

2) Speaking Engagements (Independently & Collaboratively)

Following on from your own book launch, it's favourable to either organise events yourself where you can speak about your book, or be a speaker or panellist at an event organised by someone in your network. By doing so, you're able to put your book in front of audiences who perhaps would not have otherwise heard about it.

3) Blog / Blog Tours / Blitz Campaigns

By having your own blog, potential readers are able to get a flavour for your writing style. They can gage your personality and your passions. It's wise to write for others blogs too which will allow readers outside of your sphere to gain visibility of who you are and your content.

4) Reviews From Influencers

Reviews are extremely valuable for every product and service however, when it comes to the book publishing industry, in light of it being very diluted, reviews are of great valuable particularly from verified purchases as well as from high profile influencers. This could be achieved by sending influencers a message about your book, offering a free digital copy, or paying them for the service of an honest review.

5) Multiple Listings With Retailers (Amazon, Ebay, etc.)

It's useful to not only have a listing on Amazon, which is the go to for books that are self-published, but to list your book on as many distributors as possible for maximum coverage.

6) Radio / TV Adverts & Interviews

If the opportunity presents itself for you to discuss your book on the radio or television, don't hesitate! Thousands of listeners could purchase your book, and if it's a good book, good news travels fast!

7) Social Media Platforms

It's important to have a presence online during this digital age. Be sure to set up a Facebook page, Instagram account and a YouTube channel as a minimum.

Be sure to attend one of the Jahmella Encourages events to take advantage of the 'Entrepreneur promotion' slot! If you've written a book, tell us about it!